Monday 6 February 2017

Are You Making These Forex Trading Mistakes?

The most frustrating part of trading is losing money when you know you didn’t have to. It’s not the normal statistical loss that hurts, it’s the ones you could have totally prevented; entirely your fault. These are the losses that are the result of trading mistakes. You need to learn how to prevent them, because the key to long-term trading success is preserving your risk capital so that you can take advantage of the high-probability trade setups when they arise.

Key Takeaways:

  • The most frustrating part of trading is losing money when you know you didn’t have to. It’s not the normal statistical loss that hurts, it’s the ones you could have totally prevented; entirely your fault.
  • These are the losses that are the result of trading mistakes. You need to learn how to prevent them, because the key to long-term trading success is preserving your risk capital so that you can take advantage of the high-probability trade setups when they arise.
  • Today’s lesson is going to discuss some common mistakes that traders make, which inevitably lead to losing money, and provide solutions to those mistakes. I know what the solutions are because I have made all of these mistakes on my own trading journey. I know what you’re going through, how it feels and how to help you dig out of the rut. So, let’s get this show on the road…

"Risking more than you can mentally afford to lose at any one time, is a death-sentence in trading."

Originally published at Are You Making These Forex Trading Mistakes?

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